At 89, this former deportee criss-crosses France to testify to middle school and high school students



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A survivor of the Nazi camps, at the age of 89, Lili travels across France to testify with middle and high school students, and to pass on her story.

Soon, there won’t be a single deportee left, and it’s you who will have to transmit.”

She is Lili Leignel, a former deportee who testifies to what she has experienced. On October 27, 1943, his mother’s birthday, the German military police arrived at their house “with a crash“. This story, she tells it to college and high school students from all over France. “Everything can come back, in different ways, of course, but evil is everywhere. It’s necessary to be vigilant“, she says, worrying about the disappearance of this memory.

What prompted Lili to testify was in particular the arrival of Holocaust deniers in the late 1970s.”I said: “I can’t let such horrors pass, we must restore the truth in front of the young people, how would they know if we don’t talk about it ?”, explains Lili. And the octogenarian is not ready to stop: “As long as I can stand I will.”

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