At 85, Jane Fonda says she’s happier than ever

“Life gets better with age,” says Jane Fonda. The 85-year-old actress and activist explains why she’s happier than ever.

Jane Fonda reassures us: there is no need to fear aging, rather we must celebrate the fact of aging. At 85, the actress describes this chapter as “the happiest” of her life. “Life gets better with age,” she pleads in an interview with the magazine. People.

At 85, Jane Fonda says she's happier than ever

The secret to his happiness? Female friendships, which she describes as strong and non-competitive.

“It’s everything I imagined friendships between women could be,” she says of their bond. We are friends, we like to work together and we help each other when we need it.”

Starring in four new films this year – including Book Club: The Next Chapter, which will hit theaters on May 12 – the Oscar-winning star also admits to having had her share of ups and downs in her life, but explains that she has always found a way to move forward.

“There have been tragedies and difficult things in my life. But I never succumbed to it. I have been resilient all my life”, says the one that the director of Book Club: The Next Chapter, Bill Holderman, described as a force of nature.

She adds that one of the many benefits of getting older is learning what really matters in life.

“A bad thing happens, and you think, ‘Well, that’s happened before, and I’m fine. I’ll get over it.’ You know what is important. I spent a lot of time like a canoe with no paddle being carried in the current. As I got older, I learned that I’m going to put an oar in the water and steer.”

Jane Fonda underwent chemotherapy for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma last year and is now in remission.

Always militant

The lifelong activist, who recently mobilized thousands of people for climate action through her Fire Drill Fridays, is also hard at work on the Jane Fonda Climate PAC, which supports the fight against climate change.

“I love this planet and I want to do everything I can to protect it,” she said. I’m really depressed because I read the science, I know what’s going on, it’s urgent and it could become catastrophic. It’s just inconceivable for me not to do everything I can.”

Jane Fonda’s full interview for the magazine hits newsstands this Friday.

At 85, Jane Fonda says she's happier than ever

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