Last May, Robert de Niro revealed to have become for the seventh time at 79 years old during an interview. A few weeks later, his friend Al Pacino in turn became a father for the fourth time at the age of 89. The American actor has just welcomed a baby with Noor Alfalah, his 32-year-old girlfriend! If late fatherhood seems to have become a fashion, Gérard Darmon is therefore one of the pioneers.
In a relationship for more than 20 years with his wife Christine who is 25 years younger than him, the famous French actor has always hoped to be able to seal their love with a child… who arrived almost six years ago, when Gérard Darmon had then 70 years old. Already the father of three children, the actor was then delighted with this news and the arrival of this little girl named Léna.
He also explains it to Crespo-Mara since he is the subject of the “Portrait of the week” of the show “Sept à Huit” and an extract has just been unveiled on social networks. “Becoming a father at almost 70 is a miracle? asks the journalist. And Gérard Darmon to answer: “Yes it is a miracle. I have lived with a woman, Christine, for almost twenty-two years. This child didn’t come… Well, we said to ourselves: ‘We won’t have a child’. This is our union. It is a passionate, fusional love, which will always miss a child. It’s like that. And then one day, badaboum! Wonderful, yes! It’s a child who came from the sky“
“She will have a memory and a trace of her father”
Despite the immense joy provided by the arrival of this child, the actor remains aware of the consequences of this late paternity: “There is fear because I am thinking a lot… We say to ourselves: ‘So what?’ It can stop tomorrow… I know very well that the day it stops, it will always be too soon for her. But she is not alone. She has a brother. She has sisters, she has her mom and she will have a memory and a trace of her father that she may get to know afterwards, through the films that will remain and maybe it will be a post love… I hope there will not be too much teasing at school” he admits.
As a reminder, Gérard Darmon married Nicole Recoules in 1966. From this union was born Virginie, born in 1968. He was then in a relationship with Mathilda May who gave him two children, namely Sarah (born in 1994) and Jules (born in 1997).