“At 6 p.m., 29.4% of service stations are in difficulty” in France, indicates Agnès Pannier-Runacher

“At 6 p.m., 29.4% of service stations are in difficulty at the national level, that is to say, the rupture of at least one product”, indicates Monday, October 10 on franceinfo Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister of Energy Transition. It announces an improvement in the two most affected regions : “In Hauts-de-France, we go from 54.8% yesterday (Sunday) to 48.4% this Monday. In Ile-de-France, we go from 44.9% yesterday (Sunday) to 33, 9% this Monday”, continues the minister.

“The Hauts-de-France and Ile-de-France are very strongly impacted and it is in connection with the social movement”, explains Agnès Pannier-Runacher. In contrast, “we see difficulties and tensions on the Atlantic arc while these stations are not supplied at all by the sites which are today blocked by the social movement, which testifies to a phenomenon of precautionary over-stocking “. The Minister would therefore like to remind “French people who are on the Atlantic arc, that the stations are not supplied by sites which are blocked, they are supplied perfectly normally.”

“We have increased deliveries by 50% compared to normal in Ile-de-France, by 35% in Hauts-de-France”

Agnes Pannier-Runacher


Agnès Pannier-Runacher concedes that this is not enough “Faced with a very strong increase in refueling.” The Minister explains that she wishes to act with “the prefects” that she gathered on the morning of October 10 but also with “the representatives of the Ministry of the Interior and that of Transport” for “to take stock”. She promises that the government will take “measures to avoid these over-stockings which contribute to amplifying the difficulties we are experiencing in the field”.

>>> LIVE. Fuel shortage: sales to individuals limited to 30 liters in two new departments of the South-East

Regarding the meeting planned at Matignon this Monday evening around Elisabeth Borne, which the minister must attend, she declares: “We have to move forward to unblock the situation.”

“Some labor organizations have just taken favorable positions on negotiations at Exxon.”

Agnes Pannier-Runacher


But the Minister of Energy Transition does not want to rejoice too quickly: “We will therefore see if this is likely to unblock the situation”. She recalls that “Total has indicated that it is ready to open negotiations” and “calls on everyone’s responsibility to find a solution to this social movement.” Agnès Pannier-Runacher indicates having exchanged with Philippe Martinez, the general secretary of the CGT in the afternoon. Its teams “also exchanged with the branch organizations”. She calls them “to carry out this social dialogue and to ensure that the French people are freed from this situation”.

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