At 48, Hilary Swank announces that she is pregnant for the first time… with twins!

Hilary Swank has made a revelation that no one expected. Invited on the set of the show “Good Morning America” on October 5, the American actress announced that she was pregnant for the first time!

To everyone’s surprise, the 48-year-old said: “I’m going to be a mom!” And not just one, but two”she visibly indicated to the angels to announce that she was expecting twins!

“It’s so nice to be able to talk about it and share it with you and with all of the United States now. It’s something I’ve wanted for a long time: I’m going to be a mom! », clarified the future mother who is therefore preparing to welcome with her husband, the entrepreneur Philip Schneider two children soon!

The one who is showing the film “Alaska Daily” also indicated that the teams of the feature film were absolutely not aware… Results? Funny situations quickly emerged: “My clothes were starting to run too small and the other day I had to cut my jeans to fit in them… I then added a jacket but it didn’t fit together”she recalls. “They said ‘it doesn’t go together’ and I said ‘oh I think it works’. ”No.” ”If it works, I will do everything to””she said on the television set.

“Two babies is the excitement that is doubled. It’s a blessing.” she concluded.

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