at 39, “she buys him socks, slips tickets into his pockets…”

In October 2021, he inaugurated a dead end bearing the name of his Algerian maternal grandfather, Moussa Ouakid, chief warrant officer, in Hasnon, fans of the North. The Minister of the Interior then confided in his Algerian origins in a tweet and explained: “My grandfather fought in 1944 for France, he liberated the town of Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, in the North with his regiment of Algerian skirmishers“.

“My mother is the first General de Gaulle I have met in my life”

On site, his mother, Annie, was among the guests of honor. He explained about his upbringing: “With us, there was no Jesus Christ, there was General de Gaulle and my grandfather”. A legacy passed on to him by the woman who was a cleaning lady or concierge at the Banque de France. In the book “The President’s Black Baron”dedicated to the politician, journalists Laurent Valdiguié and François Vignolle return to this strong relationship between mother and son.

>> To see also: Gérald Darmanin reveals that his grandfather was Muslim and his middle name which makes the buzz …

Closer shared a few excerpts, before the publication of the book on March 31, and we discover the crucial place that Mama Darmanin had in the education of her minister son. He assures us:My mother is the first General de Gaulle that I have met in my life, as Romain Gary puts it”.

“She buys him socks”

And our colleagues to comment: “Even today, when he is a minister, she buys him socks, slips banknotes into his suit pockets so that he lacks nothing and sees to his diet, not hesitating to stuff his bags with good ham when he comes to visit her“.

“But mom, I’m fed at the Ministry of the Interior!” the son would always respond to his motherhood. Adorable.


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