at 23 and 24, they reopened a bakery in the town

If you live in Pleuven in southern Finistère, good news, you again have an artisan bakery in the town, after almost two years without this type of trade. It opens this Tuesday, January 11 in place of the old Minguy bakery, route de Quimper. Laura Le Saint, 23, and Arthur Dreux, 24, are at the helm in this entrepreneurial adventure. They start with the intention of offering quality products.

The storefront arrived the day before the opening. The last decorations have been fixed to the wall, the tools put away. The mess is already turning, just like the oven. The objective is to carry out tests to control the cooking. If they still lack some utensils to be complete, the shop can open. Laura and Arthur arrived in Brittany six months ago, but did not hesitate to settle down and start their own business. “We arrived in Pleuven a bit by chance”, explains Laura, continuing: “we saw the local, so we visited it and we liked it right away, even if it is a bit small, after we realized that it was good for us because we didn’t ‘was only two. So, for a start, that’s perfect. “

A need for freedom

This adventure is driven by “freedom, the fact that we can do what we want” for Arthur. Freedom, especially that of choice in planning. “It is certain that I would not have seen myself taking over a business without changing anything. To do everything like the others, it would not have been possible for us”Laura assures us. She will be in charge of the pastries. Another choice to differentiate yourself: raw materials. Arthur for the bakery part and Laura for the pastries chose organic or local ingredients. “It was essential for us to take products that were as local and organic as possible. We try to do the best. We preferred to leave like that because organic products abroad do not correspond to the same as in France”, Laura believes. For her, when you start a business, ecology should not be forgotten. The goal is therefore to sell quality products, but also to participate in creating social links in the town.

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