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Thursday, September 29, Envoyé Spécial is interested in transplants and organ donations. The magazine’s journalists met Maé, 18 months old, who is going to receive a liver transplant.
At 18 months, Maé was born with a liver disease that prevents her from eating except through a tube. The only thing that can save him is a liver transplant. “He is in danger every day, a gastro can end up in intensive care”, says his mother. For now, she is feeding him with a probe. “We push 10 mL, every minute, we start again. There, these are green vegetables and after, there is a lot of water to dilute, oil, lipids and carbohydrates”details the mother of the child.
She dreams that her son tells her that he is hungry one day. “Make me fries, give me crisps, even all the nonsense in the world”, she jokes. Maé’s father is going to give his son a piece of liver “to improve your quality of life”he hopes. “Me, I didn’t realize too much at the beginning, it’s a bit of a film”says Maé’s father. “The living donation, I find it reassuring”says the mother.