at 16 and 17, they rob a grandpa and steal his car on Christmas Eve

An unusual intervention, during Christmas night, for the Toulouse police. At around 5 a.m., they spotted a Golf rolling at high speed, Papus district. The vehicle then parked at the end of a parking lot. As they approached, the officers saw two young people rummaging in the glove compartment of the vehicle using a flashlight and each wearing a glove (type household glove).

A car, a computer, a credit card, a watch …

The police then questioned them. It turns out that the two boys are minors: 16 years for the driver, 17 years for his passenger. They affirmed found the vehicle in the street with the keys on itThe police found a watch, a computer, a bank card and 150 euros in cash in the car. After searching, they discovered that the vehicle belonged to an 84-year-old man. His garage door was allegedly fractured by the two young people, who then allegedly stole the car and personal belongings from the pensioner while he slept peacefully upstairs in his house

The two alleged perpetrators will soon have to explain themselves before a children’s judge

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