At 15, he hires a hitman to collect his father’s inheritance sooner than expected

Last week, the Draguignan juvenile court ruled. A young man, now 17, was sentenced to 15 years in prison for complicity in the murder of his own father. The facts date back to April of the year 2020. At the time, the victim’s son was only 15 years old when his father, in his fifties, was found dead at his home located in the residential district of Teissonnières, in the Var. The police find that the father of the family was shot dead in the middle of the afternoon in the midst of confinement.

He asks one of his friends to murder his father for money

At the time of the events, the victim had just divorced. She then shares her villa with her son and his new partner. Together, the trio lead a fairly comfortable lifestyle. Indeed, Var-Matin reports that the father owns several properties. But far from wanting to wait to touch his fine inheritance, the teenager chose to force fate. He then hatches a diabolical plan and asks one of his older friends to assassinate his father in exchange for a reward.

A week after the murder, the son and his boyfriend were arrested by investigators from the Toulon judicial police. The latter had very quickly been put on the track because, during their investigations, they had discovered a handwritten letter in which the terms of the “contract” signed between the two friends were written in black on white. So far, only the son has been sentenced. The author of the shot, meanwhile, should be tried before the end of the year before the assize court for minors in Draguignan. To be continued…


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