At 112, Venezuelan Juan Vicente Pérez becomes the oldest man in the world

Her secret to longevity? Work hard, rest well at night and “drink a glass of brandy every day.”

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A 112-year-old Venezuelan farmer, Juan Vicente Pérez, is now the oldest man in the world, Guinness World Records announced on Wednesday May 18. (in English).

Born on May 27, 1909 in the town of El Cobre, in the state of Tachira, Juan Vicente Pérez is officially the living man “the oldest” in the world, wrote in a press release the Guinness, which carried out the verification on February 4.

“He has exceptional health and memory. He remembers his childhood, his marriage, the names of his brothers, children and grandchildren”indicates the Guinness about this man who lives in the mountainous locality of San José de Bolivar, also in the state of Tachira, and will celebrate in ten days his 113 years.

Her secret to longevity? Work hard, rest well at night and “drink a glass of brandy every day”. Widowed twenty-five years after sixty years of marriage, he had 11 children, 41 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren and 12 great-great-grandchildren.

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