Asylum seekers | Duhaime does not rule out the construction of a border wall

(Quebec) When he was a host at FM93 in Quebec City in 2017, Éric Duhaime took up the idea of ​​former US President Donald Trump and suggested the construction of a wall on the Canada-US border to prevent applicants asylum to cross it. Today leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec, he does not exclude it.

Posted at 4:49 p.m.

Mylene Crete

Mylene Crete
The Press

“I’m outraged to see what’s happening on Roxham Road,” he first answered a reporter’s question about the half a billion dollars spent to date by the federal government to accommodate claimants. ‘asylum. The information was revealed by Radio-Canada on Tuesday.

Do you still believe it’s a good idea to build a wall between Canada and the United States? “We have to find a way to turn off the tap. You mention one way, there are plenty of others,” he said.

Called to clarify his thoughts, the Conservative leader did not close the door on the construction of a wall. “What I’m telling you is that we have to find a way to turn off the tap. I would prefer that we do it with the five parties together, I think it would be more unifying for all Quebecers. »

In 2017, Eric Duhaime wrote in a Facebook post that ” [s]f illegal immigration continues, serious consideration should be given to building a wall between Canada and the United States. He had even gone so far as to contact a contractor to estimate the costs.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump promised to build a wall between the United States and Mexico to curb illegal immigration.

The Conservative leader was recently indignant at having been compared to the former American president by his CAQ opponent, François Legault.

The leader of the Coalition avenir Québec, François Legault, compared Éric Duhaime to the former American president for refusing to support health measures against COVID-19. “He reminds me of someone in the South, he denies reality, denies the numbers,” he said without naming Donald Trump. Mr. Legault also claimed that the Conservative leader had “disqualified” himself from the post of prime minister by playing the role of “agitator” for two years.

During his appearance on the show Everybody talks about it Sunday, Eric Duhaime had demanded an apology from his opponent. “It was moved. I am not Donald Trump, and you know it! “, he had launched.

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