astonishment within the Jewish community of France


Video duration:
1 minute


The Jewish community in France has been in shock since the Hamas attack on Israel on Saturday October 7. Security has been strengthened in France around synagogues and Jewish schools.

In front of the building in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime), in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) or in front of the synagogue in Besançon (Doubs), everywhere in France, places of worship are under high protection. Barely 24 hours after Hamas’ surprise attack on Israel, security is tightened. The Jewish community is still marked. “Everyone is in shock. It’s very serious, what’s happening in Israel. It’s truly terrorism in its purest form.”judges a man.

Some worry about their family

Some faithful, who have their families there, have been following the evolution of the conflict since Saturday. In Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), a woman says this to herself “very, very worried[ète]”. “You have to fall from the sky to not be worried,” said a man. His sister is “6 km from Gaza.”, he specifies. In France, the security of places of worship had already been reinforced in September, on the occasion of the Jewish holidays.

source site-29