“astonishing composure”, worked alibi and post-mortem message, these last elements of the investigation on the suspect

Ten days after the murder of Justine Vayrac in Corrèze and six days after the placement in pre-trial detention of Lucas, questions remain around the personality of Lucas, the suspect indicted for the murder of the young woman. The investigation reveals a boy in the “astonishing composure”in the words of an expert on the matter.

>> Murder of Justine Vayrac: the young woman died strangled

The 21-year-old, according to the same source, had obviously started to work on his alibi. To the point, for example, according to our information, of sending a message on Instagram to Justine, a few hours after the murder, to tell her that we are worried about her. That night, while several of the girl’s friends are getting angry, Lucas replies to one of them that he has nothing to do with his girlfriend and that she left with him. another boy: this is obviously false.

At the same time, according to the first elements of the investigation, he actually got rid of the body a kilometer from his home with an agricultural machine. He has summarily cleaned his room and his car with which, in the early morning, he takes another young girl home. She is surprised to hear a phone ringing. He replies that it is his work phone.

In the hours that followed, the suspect acted as if nothing had happened. Sunday lunch with the family, football match… Lucas gives the impression. According to our information, he will be questioned twice by the police, as a simple witness, on Sunday then on Monday, for what is then still a “worrying disappearance”.

It was only in front of the investigators of the judicial police, and in police custody, that the young man, cornered, ended up confessing, briefly, first to rape before retracting, then to murder, but at the very least. A boy who, during the interrogation, oscillates between “extreme coldness” and “moments of overwhelm”we are told.

The objective of the investigation now is to determine the precise chronology of the facts and to understand whether there may have been some form of criminal plan in the suspect of sexual violence or murder. Was Justine in a state to agree to get into her car after leaving the disco, she who had said she felt bad? Results of toxicological analyzes are awaited. A psychiatric expertise will sooner or later also be performed on the suspect, who has already been prosecuted for the fire in the agricultural shed of a previous employer.

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