Asterix and Obelix: a journalist explains his censorship hoax

A hoax tweeted about the censored animal abuse scenes in the English edition ofAsterix and Obelix made the buzz in France where politicians and journalists ate on the bait.

“My hoax on Asterix and Obelix victims of wokism worked well,” the editor-in-chief of Decision Makers MagazineLuc Jakubowicz, deploring that politicians and journalists have fallen into the trap.

The false news relayed by the journalist evokes scenes of censored wild boar abuse in the English version of Asterix and Obelix, prompting journalists to take it up without verifying it.

“The publishing house which publishes Asterix and Obelix in English will retouch the albums to hide roasted boars and hunting scenes, symbols of animal abuse for some, ”tweeted Mr. Jakubowicz.

“Laughter is the best weapon” to denounce censorship, pleaded the journalist at the microphone of Benoit Dutrizac, believing that his hoax did useful work against this drift of the buzz race.

“The majority of people still laughed and understood that it was a hoax”, welcomed the political journalist before adding: “People believed that a chorizo ​​sausage was a planet”.

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