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Faced with sometimes fatal accidents caused by drivers who are drunk or have taken narcotics, associations and lawyers plead for the criminalization of these offences. A difficult proposition to apply.
Several road accidents have received strong media coverage in recent weeks, including that of the Palmade affair or that of a 6-year-old girl killed by a driver who had consumed cannabis. According to the National Interministerial Observatory for Road Safety, the number of road accidents linked to the consumption of narcotics has nevertheless remained rather stable in recent years, at around 500.
An inapplicable proposal?
Associations and lawyers of road victims wish to reinforce the sentences and create an offense of road homicide. “I took alcohol, I took narcotic substances, I made the decision to drive and I killed someone, so indeed, it proceeds from a guilty intention and I think that the ‘we can consider a reflection towards a criminalization of these offenses“, believes Rémy Josseaume, a lawyer specializing in road law. But other lawyers find the proposal difficult to apply.