Assessment of COVID-19 in Quebec | The peak of the seventh wave seems to have been crossed

Quebec seems to have passed the peak of new cases of COVID-19 in this seventh wave. However, the trend in deaths remains on the rise.

Posted at 12:23 p.m.
Updated at 12:31 p.m.

Pierre-Andre Normandin

Pierre-Andre Normandin
The Press

The 1,224 new cases reported Monday in Quebec bring the daily average to 1,825. The trend is thus down 5% over one week. It is the first decrease in cases recorded in nearly two months, a sign that the peak of the seventh wave may have been crossed.

These numbers on new cases likely reflect only a portion of total infections, due to limited access to PCR testing. Moreover, the proportion of PCR screening tests proving positive for COVID-19 remains high, at 13.3%.

But in addition to the cases detected by PCR tests, 2,236 people also reported over the weekend having tested positive on a rapid test. Self-reported cases, which are not included in daily reported cases, have also fallen 5% over the past week.

If the cases seem to be decreasing, the deaths remain on the rise. The four new deaths reported on Monday bring the daily average calculated over seven days to 16. The trend is up 22% over one week.

The data on hospitalizations show a certain stabilization. As of Saturday, Quebec reported 2,086 people hospitalized, two less than the day before. The trend is thus up 11% over one week, but is showing clear signs of slowing down.

Of the number, however, 59 patients were in intensive care, five more than on Friday.

The number of people in hospital is likely to continue to rise in the coming days, with the number of admissions outpacing discharges. On average, there are 30 more patients every day.

The number of workers absent due to the pandemic fell over the weekend. Monday, they were 6418 to have to isolate themselves.

The vaccination campaign has stabilized in recent days. Quebec administers an average of 11,000 doses per day. These are mainly people aged 55 and over coming to pick up their fourth dose.

To date, 83.6% of Quebecers have received two doses, but only 52.9% have had three and 16.5% have received four.

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