Assessment of COVID-19 in Quebec | Further drop in hospitalizations, 22 deaths

Quebec reports a drop in hospitalizations on Sunday, with 36 fewer hospitalized patients compared to the previous day.

Posted at 11:01 a.m.
Updated at 11:22 a.m.

Mayssa Ferah

Mayssa Ferah
The Press

A total of 2,411 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized. Of that number, 177 are in intensive care, down four from Saturday.

The latest report reports 22 deaths linked to the virus.

There are 2,568 new cases of COVID-19 on Sunday. However, because screening is limited to certain population groups, these figures are not representative of the current epidemiological situation in Quebec.

The number of active outbreaks is 1348.

A total of 26,131 scans were performed on February 4. The positivity rate slipped 0.4 percentage points to 10.4.

The vaccination campaign is faltering. No less than 46,030 doses of vaccine, just under 9,000 than the day before, have been administered in the past 24 hours, including 21,460 booster doses.

The percentage of people aged 5 and over who received a first dose is still around 91%. It is also reported that approximately 85% of the Quebec population received a second dose and that approximately 47% received a booster dose.

With The Canadian Press

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