Assessment of COVID-19 in Quebec | Fourteen deaths, slight increase in hospitalizations

Quebec authorities reported 14 new deaths related to COVID-19 on Friday for the third day in a row.

In their report posted on Friday, they mention that four of the 14 deaths have occurred in the last 24 hours. Seven occurred between two and seven days ago and the last three occurred more than seven days ago.

Since the start of the pandemic, the number of Quebecers who have lost their lives as a result of COVID-19 now stands at 17,728.

The Ministry of Health also reports 890 new cases, but recalls that “the number of cases listed is not representative of the situation since access to screening centers is restricted to priority clienteles”.

He said the number of hospitalizations stood at 2,153, 18 more than the previous report. Of these patients, 747 were admitted directly because of COVID-19. There are 58 patients in intensive care, one more than the day before.

The network was without 2,967 medical professionals due to the virus, up 97 from the previous day.

During the day on Thursday, 76 rapid tests were declared to the authorities, including 63 positive.

The ministry also mentioned that 8,466 doses of vaccine were administered for a total of 22 million in the province.

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