Assessment of COVID-19 in Quebec | Eight more hospitalizations, 16 deaths

The number of COVID-19-related hospitalizations is rising for a second straight day in Quebec, with authorities also reporting 1,157 new infections and 16 additional deaths from the virus.

Posted at 11:21 a.m.

Henri Ouellette-Vezina

Henri Ouellette-Vezina
The Press

These 1,157 new cases bring the seven-day moving average to 1,028, a figure that has been on an overall downward trend for a few weeks now, but has been rising slightly lately. To date, 1,167,547 Quebecers have been infected with the disease. However, these data only reflect a small proportion of total infections due to limited access to PCR screening tests.

The proportion of PCR screening tests proving positive for the coronavirus is currently 10.3%. 16 more virus-related deaths were also reported on Thursday, for a total of 16,195 fatalities.

In the health network, the authorities report Thursday an increase of eight hospitalizations linked to the disease, or 159 new entries and 151 exits. To date, 2011 patients remain hospitalized, of which 45 are still in intensive care, a decrease of five cases in 24 hours (6 admissions, 11 discharges). Approximately 682 of the 2011 patients currently hospitalized are with a primary diagnosis of COVID-19; the others were admitted for other reasons, before being declared positive for the disease.

Note that the number of workers absent for reasons related to COVID-19 continues to increase. Thursday, they were 4331 to have to isolate themselves, an increase of 22 in the last 24 hours.

Focus on vaccination

On the vaccination side, 21,631 doses were administered on Wednesday, still mostly fourth doses. According to the VaccinTracker Quebec site, more than 87.2% of the Quebec population now has one dose, about 83.7% has two, 53.15% has three and just over 18% has four.

The proportion of third doses has remained virtually unchanged for months, as Quebec prepares for a new vaccination campaign before a possible another wave of infections this fall.

Government officials believe the reluctance to receive a booster dose is because millions of Quebecers have caught the novel coronavirus and consider themselves adequately protected. Health experts, meanwhile, say pandemic fatigue and government communication also played a role.

Recall that the Legault government announced on Tuesday a “massive vaccination campaign” against COVID-19. Vaccination will be open to people aged 60 and over from August 22, then to the population (18 and over) from August 29.

On Tuesday, 12,994 screening tests were carried out, a relatively stable figure compared to the weekly average. In all, 277,829 rapid tests have been self-reported so far on the government platform, of which 232,573 have tested positive. On Wednesday alone, 266 tests were reported, of which 229 were positive.

With The Canadian Press

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