Assessment of COVID-19 in Quebec | 23 fewer hospitalizations, five deaths

(Montreal) Hospitalizations linked to COVID-19 have decreased in the last hours, except in intensive care, where there is a rebound in attendance.

According to the report published on Wednesday, ten more people were in intensive care, for a total of 39. Of this number, 23 patients are being treated for COVID-19.

However, hospitalizations in general decreased by 23, to stand at 1144 in all, including 391 which are treated specifically for the disease.

The death toll continued to rise on Wednesday, with five new deaths announced. Among them, one occurred two to seven days ago and four more than seven days ago.

Since the arrival of the disease in Quebec, 18,324 Quebecers have lost their lives.

The number of new cases remains stable at 439, to which must be added 37 new infections detected by rapid tests. Note, however, that this figure may be underestimated due to the restricted access to screening centres.

On the vaccination side, 2,348 doses were administered on Tuesday.

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