Assessment of COVID-19 | 1,355 new cases, two deaths

The upward trend in COVID-19 cases continues in Quebec. The province reported on Friday 1,355 new infections, two more deaths and a slight increase in hospitalizations.

Pierre-André Normandin

Pierre-André Normandin

The 1,355 new cases reported on Friday bring the seven-day daily average to 1,040. The trend is thus up 27% over one week.

The majority of new cases continue to concentrate in people who have not yet received the COVID-19 vaccine. This group reports an average of 588 new cases per day, compared to 434 in fully vaccinated people. The infection rate is therefore 340 infections per million unvaccinated, compared to 66 infections per million adequately vaccinated Quebecers.

Estrie continues to see a rapid increase in cases. The region reports 29 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Chaudière-Appalaches is also showing a strong increase, with 19 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Nunavik remains the region with the highest infection rate, at 92 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, but the trend has been down sharply for three weeks.

The two additional deaths reported on Friday bring the daily average to two. The trend is thus down slightly over one week. A total of 11,585 people have lost their lives to COVID-19 in the past 21 months.

The number of people hospitalized for COVID-19 increased slightly to 230. In contrast, the number of intensive care admissions is climbing faster. There are currently 57 people there, up 32% over one week.

As of Friday, there have been more fully vaccinated people than unvaccinated people who have had to be hospitalized, which is explained by the low number of people who have not yet received a dose. Indeed, barely 19% of Quebecers have not received a vaccine against COVID-19.

Moreover, the unvaccinated remain much more at risk of suffering complications if they are infected with the coronavirus. The hospitalization rate is 6.3 per million unvaccinated, compared to 1.8 for fully vaccinated.

40% of 5 to 11 year olds vaccinated or have an appointment

Vaccination continues to progress rapidly among young people, eligible for eight days now. Already 124,600 young people aged 5 to 11 have received a weekly dose, or 19% of this age group. In addition, 137,000 of them made an appointment to be vaccinated, or 21%.

Thus, a total of 81.4% of all Quebecers received at least one dose. In addition, 78% of the province’s population is adequately vaccinated.

source site-60