Assessment of COVID-19 | 1,146 new cases, two deaths

The upward trend in COVID-19 continues in Quebec, as the province reports 1,146 new cases and two additional deaths on Wednesday. After an increase the day before, the number of hospitalizations decreases, while the vaccination seems to accelerate even more.

Henri Ouellette-Vézina

Henri Ouellette-Vézina

These 1,146 new cases bring the average of new daily cases to 995, over a period of seven days. The two additional deaths, meanwhile, keep the daily average at two.

As of Wednesday, Quebec had recorded 1,196 cases, a peak in terms of new daily infections since the end of the third wave in the province. The last time Quebec had reached this bar was in fact on April 21. At that time, there were about ten deaths per day.

In the health network, however, on Thursday we observed a decrease of 12 hospitalizations, or 18 new admissions and 30 discharges, thus dropping below the 230 mark. At present, 227 patients remain hospitalized in connection with COVID-19 , 53 of whom are still in intensive care, an increase of one case in 24 hours.

On the vaccination side, the authorities administered a little more than 26,560 additional doses on Wednesday, to which are added a thousand vaccines given before the 1er December which had not yet been counted.

Including users vaccinated outside the province, close to 13.9 million doses have so far been given to Quebecers.

The province conducted 35,725 drug tests on Tuesday, a relatively stable figure compared to the weekly average.

In the evening Wednesday, Prime Minister François Legault maintained that if Quebec “remains in these levels”, that is to say 1200 cases and 239 hospitalizations, “we will be able to have a beautiful Christmas and a beautiful New Year’s Day. “. “Very few people are hospitalized. It’s really under control, ”he argued, reiterating that there are no plans to tighten the sanitary instructions for the moment.

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