(Saguenay) Two candidates are in the running for the election to the position of Regional Chief of the Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador (AFNQL) which will take place on January 25th.
Posted at 9:07
They are Ghislain Picard, the current Regional Chief of the AFNQL, and the former Chief of the Mohawk Nation of Kanesatake, Serge Otsi Simon.
The two official candidates were announced Monday by the president of the election, Claude Riverin. The term of office of Chief is three years.

Serge Otsi Simon
Ghislain Picard, a native of the Innu community of Betsiamites on the North Shore, has been Regional Chief since 1992. He will be seeking an eleventh term.
As for Serge Simon, who is a native of Kanesatake northwest of Montreal, he led the Mohawk Nation of Kanesatake for ten years, until his defeat in the elections last July.