Assault weapons: a judgment which should accelerate their ban, according to PolySeSouvient

Pro-gun groups were unsuccessful in their legal challenges to the decree banning some 1,900 models of assault weapons in Canada, a ruling that is “clear and unequivocal” in the eyes of PolySeSouvient.

The Federal Court finally ruled on six applications for judicial review on Monday. Gun advocates argued that the Privy Council Office had exceeded the limits of its authority when it banned, by order in council, firearms “which, in its opinion, cannot reasonably be used for hunting and hunting.” sport”.

According to the plaintiffs, people who obtain or use firearms illegally pose a real threat to public safety, not the firearms designated in the executive order.

The PolySeSouvient organization – which opposes firearms – for its part applauded this judgment which therefore confirms that the federal government can ban weapons that it considers dangerous for the safety of all.

“This clear and unequivocal judgment should push the Trudeau government to quickly implement its repeated promises to ban all military-style weapons that are not reasonably used for hunting,” said Nathalie Provost, survivor. of femicide at the École Polytechnique and spokesperson for PolySeSouvient.

The new decision came months after Ottawa failed to ban hundreds of models of assault weapons in its Bill C-21, which is currently before the Senate.

“We hope that the unambiguous language of this judgment, based on solid and thoughtful reasoning, will strengthen the State’s determination to ban all assault weapons in Canada once and for all,” insisted Ms. Provost.

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