However, the maximum daily dose recommended by the WHO remains unchanged.
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A slightly more bitter taste for aspartame. This artificial sweetener, widely used in the manufacture of sodas in particular, is “possibly carcinogenic to humans”, said Friday, July 14, the World Health Organization (WHO), which assessed for the first time the level of danger of this substance.
However, the organization wants to be reassuring. “We are not advising companies to withdraw their products, nor are we advising consumers to completely stop using them”said Dr. Francesco Branca, Director of the Department of Nutrition, Health and Development at WHO. Aspartame is now classified in group 2B, which includes products such as aloe vera extract or caffeic acid, which is found in sage or cranberries.
According to the WHO, the daily limit, set at 40 mg of aspartame per kilogram of body weight, does not need to be changed. According to this calculation, and according to the average aspartame content of a soda, an adult weighing 70 kg should consume more than ten cans per day to exceed this critical dose. However, aspartame is found in other products, such as chewing gum, ice cream and even breakfast cereals.