Asked about vaccination, Pascal Légimitus takes to their heels…

After the singer Stone, the TV columnist Benoît Dubois or the former host Georges Beller, this Wednesday February 8, 2023, it was the turn of the actor Pascal Légitimus to be invited on the set of “Chez Jordan” (C8 ). An exclusive interview conducted by Jordan de Luxe who, as usual, wished to address sensitive subjects… The proof, the journalist discussed with his guest the subject of vaccination against Covid.

“I’m not talking about that… Are you crazy?” We don’t talk about these subjects anymore, it’s over”he first dropped Pascal Légitimus before explaining himself: “Whether we are for or against, it creates problems. I don’t want to be lynched so I keep that to myself, that’s up to me! That’s the end of it, we don’t give our opinion anymore, the haters really screwed us up so after a while, we shut up! »hammered the 63-year-old actor.

“It will be without me”

If Pascal Légitimus did not wish to speak on the subject, a year and a half ago, the actor was much more talkative about vaccination. In October 2021, during an interview with TV Star to promote a TV movie, last had indeed indicated that he had already been vaccinated, but that he refused to be injected with a third dose: “It will be without me”, he blurted out. And to add: “I gladly give it to little Africans.”

During this interview, the sexagenarian had also deplored “that we did not choose the drugs to treat this disease”.

See also: Florent Pagny: The unpublished documentary from TF1 ended up worrying the singer’s fans


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