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Guest Thursday evening of the political program “Elysée 2022” on France 2, the candidate of La France insoumise estimated that the controversy around these companies was “a scandal” and that if he were elected in April, he would be “banned to replace the State”.
“This is a scandal, the state is paying to dismember itself”. Guest of the political program “Elysée 2022” on France 2, Thursday March 31, the candidate of La France insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, spoke about the controversy surrounding the consulting firm McKinsey, as well as tax optimization practiced by the American company. “You president, there will never again be a contract for private consulting firms, whether for the State, for the municipalities, for all the local authorities, is it over?”asked the presenter, Léa Salamé. “Yes”he simply replied.
>> The article to read to understand the controversy over the McKinsey firm, which interferes with Emmanuel Macron’s campaign
Then, the LFI candidate developed its measures to no longer use consulting firms. “We will open preliminary investigations to find out under what conditions” the current contracts could be concluded. Next, “it will be forbidden to substitute for the State. Investigate when it is able to do it itself”then, “we will take a stand so that politics regains its full place and its decision is public”.