The minister will answer questions from Internet users and viewers on franceinfo channel 27, Monday, between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m.
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While some 500,000 high school students take their big baccalaureate oral from Monday, June 19, Pap Ndiaye will answer your questions that same day on franceinfo (channel 27). The Minister of Education will be the guest of the channel, between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m., to discuss the main current topics.
After the suicide, in May, of Lindsay, 13, a schoolgirl from Vendin-le-Vieil (Pas-de-Calais), Pap Ndiaye will discuss the government’s measures to fight against harassment, such as the hour of awareness organized in class, the week of June 12, and the prevention campaign planned for the start of the 2023 school year. He will also return to the last session of the baccalaureate, the first without disruptions linked to Covid-19 since the reform of the exam. He will finally address the issue of wearing religious symbols at school, while his ministry had alerted in October 2022 to the increase in reports, that a controversy has emerged in recent days around traditional clothing such as the abaya.
The Minister of Education will also answer questions from readers. Do you want to challenge Pap Ndiaye on the baccalaureate, school bullying, the lack of teachers, the wearing of religious symbols at school, or on another subject related to education? You can use the form below. The editorial journalists will select some of your contributions to send them to the Minister, who will respond to them live.