Ask your questions to Marine Le Pen on France Bleu Lorraine this Monday, April 18

France Bleu invites you to directly question the candidates of the presidential election. After Emmanuel Macron last Thursday, it is Marine Le Pen’s turn to take part in the game of questions from France Bleu listeners, this Monday, April 18.

Sign up to ask your question

Before the second round of the presidential election, France Bleu invites you to ask your questions to Marine Le Pen, RN presidential candidate. From 6 a.m. until 8:30 a.m. this Monday morning, you can register by calling France Bleu Lorraine at Marine Le Pen will answer you during her trip to Caen.

The big Ma France consultation

This special program is the logical continuation of the major citizen agenda “Ma France”, which has enabled France Bleu to bring out the major concerns of the French, in partnership with It collected 7 million votes and brought out the major themes that interest the French, on issues including democracy, purchasing power or ecology.

  • Marine Le Pen, guest of Ma France, broadcast this Monday, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., on France Bleu

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