Ask your questions to Jordan Bardella, Gabriel Attal, David Lisnard and Raphaël Glucksmann

Your questions will be put live to representatives of the major political parties on Thursday from 8:40 p.m.



Reading time: 1 min

Jordan Bardella, Raphaël Glucksmann, Gabriel Attal and David Lisnard are the guests of L'Evénement on Thursday July 4. (FRANCE TELEVISIONS)

Three days before the second round of the legislative elections, while France is experiencing a historic vote, journalist Caroline Roux gives the floor to the country’s major political parties. What alliances are still possible? How to govern France? What are the powers of a Prime Minister in the event of cohabitation? What are the most likely political scenarios after July 7?

On Thursday, July 4 at 8:40 p.m., live on France 2, Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally, Raphaël Glucksmann, European deputy for Place publique, Gabriel Attal, Prime Minister, and David Lisnard, mayor of Les Républicains in Cannes, will answer questions from the French about these elections and their issues.

You wish to address a specific question to one of these personalities ? Simply use the form below. The editorial staff will select some of your contributions to send to politicians, who will then respond directly.

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