as the new season gets ready, a first scandal breaks out… this duo that doesn’t pass!

It’s official ! The new jury of “Dancing with the stars” has finally been unveiled. Unfortunately, Denitsa Ikonomova, emblematic member of the show, made the decision to leave the adventure. The reason ? A busy schedule. Recently interviewed by Le Parisien, Frédéric Pedraza, deputy director of TF1 Production, explained: “ He was offered to return to the court, but his schedule does not allow it “. And to continue: She is preparing the choreography for a big film at the start of the school year and is working on another feature film “. A disappointment for viewers.

But if the former partner of Rayane Bensetti leaves the program, a new recruit has been appointed to replace her. It is the prima ballerina Marie-Agnès Gillot who will take over. And this, alongside François Alu, Chris Marques and Bilal Hassani. Happier than ever to join the team, the interpreter of the title “King” shared his joy on social networks: ” OH MY GOD !!! It’s finally announced, I join Chris Marques, Marie-Agnès Gillot and François Alu in the jury of Dancing With The Stars 2022. This announcement reminds us that victory is in the heart, that dreams come true and even sometimes extend. Come on, I’m putting on my dancing shoes, there’s a season to prepare “.

“Bilal Hassani has nothing to do with the DALS jury”

If the tele-hook fans seem delighted with the choice of production, one of the four members of the new jury is unfortunately not unanimous. Internet users are divided as to the presence of Bilal Hassani. “I’m sorry but Bilal Hassani has nothing to do with the DALS jury”, “If they wanted to put a candidate on the jury, sorry but I would have liked to see Loic Nottet again. I like Bilal, but that’s it”, “Nothing against Bilal but if we complained about JPG last year it’s not for nothing! », could we read in particular on social networks. It remains to be seen whether the young singer will be up to it.


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