“As long as only boomers vote, we will have a boomer policy”



Video length: 1 min

Youth vote: “As long as only boomers vote, we will have a boomer policy”

Philippe Moreau-Chevrolet, professor at Sciences Po and president of MCBG Conseil, wants to encourage young French people to go to the polls. According to him: “If Emmanuel Macron thinks you don’t vote, he won’t give you anything.” – (CYRIL BALTA / RADIO FRANCE)

Guest of the franceinfo Talk on Wednesday January 17, Philippe Moreau-Chevrolet, professor at Sciences Po and president of MCBG Conseil, discusses Emmanuel Macron’s announcements during his press conference given the day before at the Elysée Palace.

“Emmanuel Macron’s problem is that he has an electoral machine in his head, like any politician”indicates Philippe Moreau-Chevrolet, professor at Sciences Po and president of MCBG Conseil, Wednesday January 17 the day after the press conference given by the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, at the Elysée Palace.

“If he thinks you don’t vote, he won’t give you anything”

“Also, continues Philippe Moreau-Chevrolet in the Franceinfo Talk, if he thinks you don’t vote, he won’t give you anything ! And the reality is this… So if young people want things to change, young people must vote. As long as only boomers vote [ndlr : l’expression “boomer” est utilisée par la jeune génération pour se moquer, critiquer, parfois dénigrer la génération des baby-boomers, estimant que cette dernière est enfermée dans des préjugés dépassés]we will have a boomer policy ! Go vote, and there you will be taken into account !”

>> REPLAY. Press conference by Emmanuel Macron: find the entire speech of the Head of State

During his press conference, Emmanuel Macron insisted at length on education themes: strengthening civic education, unique uniforms at school, possible generalization of the Universal National Service (SNU).

>> Find the entire franceinfo Talk here :

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