as in 2017, Saint-Étienne places Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the lead

The Saint-Etienne result is naturally particularly awaited as the first city in the department. Even if the town has been classified LR since 2014, it is once again towards the far left candidate that the Stéphanois have turned the most.

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The results in Saint-Étienne and in metropolitan France

Jean-Luc Mélenchon had already managed to finish in the lead in the first round in Saint-Etienne 5 years ago. The candidate of France Insoumise reiterates the performance during this 1st round. It finished well ahead, as in the 3 other large municipalities of the metropolis.

  • In Saint-Etienneas in 2017, it is Jean-Luc Mélenchon who is favored by voters (33.29%), Emmanuel Macron finishes 2nd with 25.09% while Marine Le Pen is far behind at 16.65%.
  • In Saint Chamond, second city in the Loire department and ranked on the right, it is Jean-Luc Mélenchon who comes first with 26.13% of the vote, against 24.78% for Emmanuel Macron and 24.21% for Marine Le Pen. Only 68.44% of Couramiauds went to vote.
  • To Firminya city with a communist tradition but held by the right, it is Mélenchon who takes the lead (28.74%) ahead of Le Pen (26.08%) and Macron (21.13%).
  • In Rive-de-Gierled by a communist mayor, it is Jean-Luc Mélenchon who is largely in the lead (30.28%) ahead of Le Pen (27.4%) and Macron (19.79%)

The results in the Loire

At the departmental level, Marine Le Pen comes first ahead of outgoing President Emmanuel Macron. Jean-Luc Mélenchon completes the podium.

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