Video length: 11 min
“As a parliamentarian, I don’t see how to do anything other than censor,” laments Dieynaba Diap
MPs from the New Popular Front (NFP) have tabled a motion of censure against the government of Michel Barnier. The text is signed by 192 deputies from the socialist, rebellious, environmentalist and communist groups. Among them, Dieynaba Diap, PS deputy for Yvelines.
(France 2)
MPs from the New Popular Front (NFP) have tabled a motion of censure against the government of Michel Barnier. The text is signed by 192 deputies from the socialist, rebellious, environmentalist and communist groups. Among them, Dieynaba Diap, PS deputy for Yvelines.
The Court of Auditors recently proposed eliminating 100,000 territorial civil servant positions. The PS MP for Yvelines returned to this controversial proposal: “We saw what it could do, under Sarkozy, not to replace one in two retirements, that’s more than 10,000 fewer police positions that we still have difficulty making up for.” On the France Services houses which open in the most isolated territories, the MP adds: “France Service does not replace everything. The time limit for resolving a CAF problem, having an appointment in a prefecture, very simple everyday things , France Services cannot manage everything.”
The Yvelines MP also returned to the motion of censure tabled on Friday October 4 and for which the vote will take place on October 8: “The appointment itself of Michel Barnier is not logical, it is a betrayal of the voters’ vote, how can we not censure a government which has not respected the democratic will.”
Watch the full interview in the video above.