as a couple, this candidate of “Apprentis aventuriers” would have tried to grab hold of Laurent Maistret, unexpected revelations on the set!

Romane never stops making revelations. Invited this Monday, May 1 at Jeremstar, Anthony Matéo’s companion spoke about her personal life as well as the filming of the last season of “Apprentice Adventurers”. A program of which she has fond memories and which enabled her to “think about something else”. Indeed, if Romane embarked on reality TV, it is also to heal a wound: the disappearance of her dad.

“Shortly before you started reality TV, you lost it”recalled Jeremstar before specifying: “You had also done reality TV to move on… To change your mind”. “My father was the love of my life”confirmed the young woman. “He was my best friend, my soul mate. He was the only person I loved, I think”she continues, specifying that he was reached “from multiple sclerosis”. Anthony Matéo’s companion has always “seen [son] sick father”. “He fell down the stairs in the night and he had a head injury… He died”she told Jeremstar, moved.

See also: “They took me out like a mess”: Laurent Maistret “disgusted” following his hasty departure in “Mask Singer”

A candidate for “Apprentice Adventurers”, far too much under the spell of Laurent Maistret

Still with the ex-blogger who has long interviewed reality TV candidates in her bath, the pretty blonde broached another subject: the filming of “Apprentice Adventurers”. A shoot during which a candidate, yet in a relationship, would have expressed her desire to charm Laurent Maistret.

“My darling, to flirt with Laurent Maistret, there were people! As soon as we arrived in the van with the four girls, she said: ‘girls, tonight, I’m warning you, Laurent, he’s for me’. She did this several times in the evening. She said: ‘I’m warning you, tonight I’m the one sleeping with Laurent’, she revealed. But Romane does not stop there.

Indeed, the candidate “Apprentice Adventurers” also explains: “In the evening we were in the tent, there were lots of noises and she said: ‘oh, maybe it’s Laurent who’s coming to get me. I’m going with Laurent because I’m not going to put up with you for long. Jennyfer and Romane. Me, I’m going to sleep with Laurent’. Revelations that risk sowing discord among some candidates, but above all, in the duo formed by Antonin and Barbara…


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