Ary Abittan skids while filming with an actress, sordid revelations in TPMP

Known for his dual career as a comedian and actor, Ary Abittan has been making headlines for almost a year for sordid facts. In November 2021, a 23-year-old young woman filed a rape complaint against the 48-year-old actor.

The Journal du Dimanche indeed reports that the young woman, that day, consented to sexual intercourse with Ary Abittan but clearly refused a second report including sodomy. The actor would then have forced him to perform the act with violence… so much so that the alleged victim had several bodily injuries to his private parts noted by a doctor from a medico-judicial unit, a few hours after the events. .

Faced with these accusations, the actor of the film “What did we do to God” assured that this relationship was completely consented. “I have always been considerate with women, attentive. I have always been a generous boy with women. I consume, but always in an authentic and true way”. he let know.

Two new damning testimonies
New twist in the case almost a year after the start of the investigation, two new women testified to share the heinous behavior of the actor. Facts reported by Myriam Palomba on the set of “Touche pas à mon poste” this Tuesday, October 18, 2022: “There is an actress who says that on the set of a film, while she was behind a screen in small held, Ary Abittan showed up and began to put his hands on her breasts and on her belly. She would have pushed him away and he there he would have exclaimed: “Ah yeah, zero humor, we’re going to have fun with you, little bitch”.

We then learn that the facts are not stopped there: “She also says that during a scene, he would have put his foot in her crotch, there she would have exploded and had a fit and Ary Abittan would have responded by treating her crazy”. Enough to enrage Myriam Palomba who herself reported the facts stated: “He put his foot in her crotch it’s not normal behavior insofar as just before he plotted her behind a screen…”


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