Ary Abittan accused of rape: heard 5 hours by justice, a planned confrontation with his accuser

The investigation into the rape complaint against Ary Abittan is progressing. According to information from the magazine here is from March 4, 2022, the actor was summoned by the investigating judge in charge of this case to be heard for the first time. The young woman who accuses him of rape had already been heard. The hearing was held on February 24 at the Paris courthouse. Accompanied by his lawyer, the 48-year-old actor would have been “extremely tense“when introducing himself.

While this audience which lasted five hours, he then reaffirmed his version of the facts, namely that there was indeed a relationship with the young woman who accuses him of rape, except that the report was, according to him, consented. Next step: Ary Abittan should soon find himself facing his accuser duringa new confrontation planned “in the next weeks”. As a reminder, the comedian and actor was indicted on November 2 after the filing of a rape complaint, filed by a 23-year-old young woman with whom he had an affair. The latter accuses him of having imposed a violent and degrading sexual act on her (a non-consensual sodomy). Examined by doctors after this report, the young woman was prescribed two days of ITT; other media like Paris Match rather speak of 10 days.

In the magazine Paris Match of February 10, several relatives of Ary Abittan gave news of him, he who remains under judicial control the time of the investigation. Extremely discreet since the start of this affair, the star – who faces up to 15 years in prison – would be “horrified” and “shocked“. But the actor would still hope to be exonerated and to possibly be able to restore his image… Until then, in addition to having granted himself a few days of vacation “in the Dominican Republic in a luxury resort in Punta Cana“, Sarah-Line’s companion (for 3 years) has moved to a Parisian apartment in the 8th arrondissement. The magazine also gave the floor to some of his conquests and ex-companions, who painted an unflattering portrait of the actor …

Since the media coverage of this affair, Ary Abittan’s career has been stopped in mid-flight: his tour for his new show For real was cancelled, he was dropped from promoting the film Love is better than two by Claude Lelouch and replaced in the series The man of our lives (M6). He should also miss the promo tour of What have we all done to God?which is scheduled for release on April 6.

Ary Abittan remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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