artists and experts talk about mental health without taboo

For the second edition, the festival is taking place at Ground Control, in Paris, in the 12th arrondissement.


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2 min

Stromae at the Victoires de la Musique, in Paris, February 10, 2023. (BERTRAND GUAY / AFP)

There is a common point between Stromae who saw his tour canceled, crushed by his success; Christine and the Queens, who expressed the wounds linked to her gender transition and Xavier Dolan, the recently retired director: they were all overwhelmed this year.

“These pathologies have always existed, explains Doctor Jean-Victor Blanc, at the origin of this festival. But before, there was silence around the subject when we were concerned. Today, it is true that 25% of young people in the Ile-de-France region have had suicidal thoughts over the past year. We can no longer bury our heads in the sand.”

Music, books, series, our flaws appear everywhere but talking about them is liberating. Andréa Bescond recounted in The tickles, on stage then on screen, the sexual violence to which she was a victim as a child. “Today, we know that there are millions of us, she says. What’s happy about that is that an artistic tool allows you to create a collective. We cling. It brings people together and that’s the strength.” And in fact, the room was full to listen to it on Friday November 24.

In the aisles of the Pop and Psy festival, in Paris on November 24, 2023 (AUGUSTIN ARRIVE / FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

Actress and singer Camille Lellouche talks about her depression

Like a little later to hear the psychiatrist Antoine Pélissolo, who came to talk about social anxiety.“Identifying difficulties at home is never easy. This is the characteristic of most mental health disorders, he explains. It’s hard to understand ourselves in these cases.”

“Identifying yourself with someone who has a bit of the same problems as you and who has overcome them, for example, is necessarily essential. And when it’s someone who is popular, you also feel a strong affection.”

Antoie Pélissolo

at franceinfo

The actress and singer Camille Lellouche comes to talk about her depression, the comedian Doully about how to live with Charcot’s disease. The risk would be to only attract those mainly concerned, but the festival aims to be broader. “That’s why there is the day’s program which is truly a scientific program and the festive part of the evening where the artists who support the cause will be there, specifies Doctor Jean-Victor Blanc. This also allows us to have a festive package between the pop side and the psych side.” Exhibitions, concerts, DJ sets, so that life goes on.

Pop & Psy Festival in Paris: report by Augustin Arrivé

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