Artisans donate 36,000 euros to the Association Petits Princes to make the dreams of sick children come true

Pleasing while committing to a noble cause gives meaning to the Christmas celebrations. This is why, from November 23 to December 24, 2021, many Compagnons du Goût artisans (network of independent butchers and delicatessen caterers) have committed to selling a Christmas ball filled with wrappers for the Association Petits Princes. Among them :

Audrey and Mathieu Martin: 12 Place du Luxembourg in Dormans
“Les Sarments” butcher’s shop: 1 Place Léon Bourgeois in Epernay
Maison Pascal Audinot: 86-88 avenue d’Epernay in Reims

The mobilization of the Compagnons du Goût artisan butchers and their customers raised €36,000, which was donated in full to the Petits Princes Association to help make the dreams of seriously ill children and adolescents come true.

The sale of Christmas balls filled with papillotes from the Compagnons du Goût

Thanks to their precious commitment by our side, new dreams of seriously ill children will be able to come true – Dominique Bayle, Co-founder of the Association Petits Princes

A child who lives his passions and realizes his dreams is a child who finds a surplus of energy to face illness. Meeting your idol, going behind the scenes at an animal park, cooking with a great chef, becoming a firefighter for a few hours… each dream is imagined and personalized according to the aspirations of each child and the evolution of their state of health.

Since 1987, the Association Petits Princes has fulfilled 8,000 dreams

In this program, Olivier Cattiaux receives Pascal Audinot Companion of Taste in Reims and Matthew Jeanningros communication manager of the Association Petits Princes.

The show can be listened to via the media player at the top of the page

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