In Lyon, a passionate apprentice named Jonathan is dedicated to creating a boat hull-shaped chair, a culmination of his training and craftsmanship. Meanwhile, artisans from the SOS Calvaire association, responding to a request from the Corsican diocese, are collaboratively preparing for Pope Francis’s visit by crafting a papal chair, a massive cross, and unique altar decor. These intricate pieces reflect their skills and commitment to preserving religious heritage, showcasing their artistry through innovative designs.
A Unique Boat Hull Chair Crafted by a Passionate Apprentice
In the heart of Lyon, a young apprentice is pouring his heart and soul into a remarkable piece of furniture shaped like a boat hull. For several days now, he has been burning the midnight oil in his workshop, striving for perfection. “This is a masterpiece for me, the pinnacle of my training, reflecting everything I’ve learned,” Jonathan shares. What began as a simple sketch, adorned with a pencil-drawn silhouette of Pope Francis celebrating mass at an altar on December 15 in Ajaccio, has transformed into a stunning creation.
Crafting a Papal Chair: A Collaborative Effort
Carpenters, blacksmiths, and woodworkers from all corners of France have banded together under the SOS Calvaire association, dedicated to preserving small religious heritages. In a modest office near Angers, project oversight is managed, where they were taken aback by a mysterious letter from the Corsican diocese requesting a follow-up. “I would like to be contacted again,” the vicar wrote, leaving them curious about the nature of the request, especially when the visit of Pope Francis was still just a whisper.
Initially, the artisans were tasked with creating a cross, a straightforward endeavor they were well-equipped to handle, as Alexandre Caillé, the general director of SOS Calvaires, recalls. “As discussions unfolded, more elements were added in true Corsican style,” he laughs. The unexpected request for a papal chair caught them off guard. It was through joyful conversations that they realized they were indeed preparing for the Pope’s visit to Corsica, a delightful secret now coming to fruition.
Jonathan, the dedicated carpenter, has set aside his other projects to focus solely on crafting a custom wooden chair designed to the Vatican’s specifications. The artisans embraced these challenges as an opportunity to showcase their skills. Éloi, the leading carpenter of the association, even brought his own lathe to create six uniquely crafted candlesticks for the altar, each shaped by hand, echoing the boat motif.
Louis-Joseph, another talented carpenter, is also making a standout piece: a massive cross shaped like an anchor that will grace the ceremony’s decor. Standing at six meters tall and three meters wide, it is a magnificent creation weighing between 300 and 500 kilos. If you look closely, you might just spot discreet signatures left by the artisans on these one-of-a-kind pieces, proud reminders of their craftsmanship and dedication.