artificial intelligence to diagnose cancer


Video duration:
1 minute

Health: artificial intelligence to diagnose cancer

Health: artificial intelligence to diagnose cancers – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – D. Mascret

France Televisions

Artificial intelligence makes it possible to precisely analyze scans and detect small cancers. An update on this major breakthrough with doctor and journalist Damien Mascret, present on the 20 Heures set.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a source of concern for some. However, it can save lives. Present on the 20 Heures set, Wednesday November 22, doctor and journalist Damien Mascret assures that in breast cancer screening, the performance of AI is “now as good as that of the best radiologists”. Currently, mammograms are analyzed by two radiologists. “However, on a mammogram, the AI ​​easily identifies a very small cancer and surrounds it with a square to report it to the radiologist”explains the healthcare professional.

Pancreatic cancers

AI may prove useful for other types of cancer, including pancreatic cancer. He “is difficult to detect, because the pancreas is a deep organ, behind the stomach and when there are symptoms it is often very late”underlines Damien Mascaret, who adds: “On a CT scan of the abdomen, where a radiologist will detect one in three cancers. AI is capable of detecting more than nine in ten.”

Among Our sources

The Lancet

Nature (in English)

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