Artificial intelligence | Three questions to ChatGPT

We asked ChatGPT a few questions, on completely different topics, to help you understand what this chatbot can do. Of course, it is imperfect. And, no, it is not immune to errors. Nevertheless, the result is impressive. Judge for yourself.

“Compose a poem on climate change in the manner of Gilles Vigneault. »


Gilles Vigneault, in October 2021

ChatGPT’s answer


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The clouds are gathering, the air is filled with worry

The winds are rising, the storm is brewing

The world is warming up, the ice is melting

The oceans are rising, the skies are darkening

Nature is dying, species are disappearing

The forests are on fire, the rivers are drying up

Seeds get lost, crops dry up

Lives are extinguished, hopes are shattered

But we’re here, to fight the decline

To save our world, our buried future

We must act, now and without delay

To reduce our emissions, to protect our earth

‘Cause it’s our duty, to preserve what’s left

To save our world, for future generations

It’s time to change, to do things differently

It’s time to wake up, our citizen spirit

The time has come, to take charge of our destiny

To protect our mother, our suffering planet

To repair our mistakes, so that harmony lives

And let our world live, for eternity

This poem is inspired by the writings of Gilles Vigneault, with themes of concern for the environment and climate change that advocates action for a sustainable future. It emphasizes the urgency of action to protect our world and our future. It is written with strong imagery to give an idea of ​​the magnitude of the consequences of climate change and the importance of collective action.

“Can you sum up the October crisis? »


The October Crisis resulted in the deployment of Canadian Army soldiers to Montreal.


The October Crisis is a historic event that occurred in Quebec in 1970 and saw growing tensions between the Canadian federal government and the government and people of Quebec. The tensions were mainly related to the national question and the demand for more autonomy and sovereignty for Quebec.

The crisis began on October 5, 1970, when members of the Quebec Liberation Organization (FLQ) kidnapped Immigration Minister Pierre Laporte. The federal government responded by declaring a state of emergency and sending troops to Montreal. The next day, Laporte’s body was found, murdered.

This action sparked federal repression and a significant popular reaction in the province, which saw demonstrations and general strikes, as well as arrests and detentions of FLQ members. Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa has also been criticized for his handling of the crisis.

The October Crisis led to heightened mistrust and tension between Quebec and the rest of Canada, and also impacted relations between the federal government and other provinces. She also contributed to the rise of independence in Quebec and had a significant impact on Canadian politics.

“Who have been the best premiers of Quebec? »


Maurice Duplessis, in June 1952


It is difficult to say who have been the best premiers of Quebec, because it depends on the criteria used to evaluate their performance. However, here are a few Premiers of Quebec who were considered important leaders and had a significant impact on the province:

Maurice Duplessis (1936-1939 and 1944-1959): He is considered one of the most important prime ministers in the history of Quebec because of his role in the economic and social development of the province, as well as his nationalist policy and conservative.

Rene Levesque (1976-1985): He is considered one of the pioneers of Quebec independence. He founded the Parti Québécois and launched two referendums on Quebec sovereignty. He also introduced important economic and social reforms, such as the nationalization of electricity.

John Charest (2003-2012): He is considered one of the most liberal premiers in the history of Quebec. He launched important economic reforms, such as the reduction of budget deficits and the privatization of public companies. He also launched important social reforms, such as the Intercultural Relations Act.

Pauline Marois (2012-2014): She led the Parti Québécois which won the 2012 elections, she also launched an education reform, while initiating a debate on the charter of secularism.

It is important to note that this list is not exhaustive, and that there have been other Premiers who have had a significant impact on the province. It is important to take personal opinions and perspectives into account when evaluating the performance of prime ministers.

The opinion of a historian

How does ChatGPT fare when asked for its opinion on story-related matters? We put the question to Martin Pâquet, full professor in the department of historical sciences at Laval University. Unsurprisingly, he has reservations about the final result.

“There are elements that, factually, may be true,” he explains. But the fact remains that we have “aggregated” information taken from the web, without checking its validity. And that, above all, these have not been put into context. “It is done without discernment and without historical judgment”, explains the expert.

ChatGPT indicates for example that Pierre Laporte, kidnapped by the FLQ in 1970, was Minister of Immigration. That is true. But he was also Minister of Labour. “And it is above all for this reason that he was kidnapped”, underlines Martin Pâquet.

The historian also notes other questionable assertions. Like the idea that there were tensions between the federal government and the Quebec government. “There were tensions present on the strategy employed to free the hostages, it is obvious, but not on the whole of the situation. The FLQ is an independent group that proposes a challenge to the capitalist system. Both federal and provincial […] oppose the FLQ’s position,” he said.

As for the question about the Premiers of Quebec, ChatGPT declined to rate which were the most important. The conversational robot instead offers four “who have had a significant impact on the province”. But “what do we mean by significant impact? “says Martin Pâquet.

With such answers, he believes, “we know immediately that it is a robot” which gives us the reply. And not a human being.

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