Artificial intelligence: the European Parliament is preparing to vote on a legal framework on the subject


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

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The European Union wants to have a legal framework on the subject of artificial intelligence. It will be voted on Wednesday, June 14, by the European Parliament, as reported by journalist Christine Boos from Strasbourg, in Bas-Rhin.

The European Parliament will vote, Wednesday, June 14, a legal framework on the subject of artificial intelligence. He “is based on the notion of risk of artificial intelligence”explains journalist Christine Boos from Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin). “Concretely, he distinguishes four types of categories which range from minimal risks to unacceptable risks”she continues. In the unacceptable risk category, “We find, for example, the rating of individuals according to behavior – this is already practiced in China – or even biometric identification in real time in the public space. These uses will be totally prohibited.specifies Christine Boos.

“Limit the excesses”

In the second category, that of high risks, we find in particular “migration management, border control”she adds. “These uses will be supervised when the safety or the rights of people are at stake”explains Christine Boos. “It’s about limiting the excesses of artificial intelligence, while supporting innovation. This vote will represent the official position of the European Parliament, which will then have to negotiate with the Member States before this text enters into force in 2025.concludes the journalist.

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