artificial intelligence at the heart of health in Las Vegas


Video length: 3 min

Technology: artificial intelligence at the heart of health in Las Vegas

Technology: artificial intelligence at the heart of health in Las Vegas – (France info)

Article written by

franceinfo – F. Genauzeau, A. Filippi, Z. Boughzou, C. Ferreux

France Televisions

This year at the major technology show in Las Vegas (United States), there are a lot of innovations around health. Some could revolutionize the lives of certain patients.

In a famous hotel in Las Vegas (United States), there is an experience bordering on science fiction. A German company has created an exoskeleton. The harness weighs 6 kg and follows body movements. It was designed to soften the most arduous tasks in industry or commerce and sold more than 1,000 copies in a few months. Some Parisian hospitals could soon be equipped to help nursing staff lift patients. Nearly 10,000 euros to purchase and the prospect, according to the company, of a world where everyone will soon have their own exoskeleton.

A sensor to record the sound of the heart

How can we extend our lifespan and age healthier? It’s one of the obsessions of the technology show (CES). To better treat yourself at home, a French company offers a multifunction sensor. The device can measure the sound of the heart, it also performs an electrocardiogram and takes the forehead temperature. Sold for around 200 euros, it should soon be put on the market and make teleconsultations much more efficient.

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