article 2 would have created “second-class citizens” in the overseas territories and in Corsica, justifies Sandrine Rousseau

The opposition has removed from the text the possibility of requiring a vaccination pass for minors, in the event that this certificate is reinstated for travel to or from abroad.

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Article 2 of the health bill, rejected overnight from Wednesday to Thursday by a majority of deputies, would have created “second-class citizens” in the overseas territories and in Corsica, justifies on franceinfo the deputy Nupes of Paris Sandrine Rousseau. “It was an article that hindered something fundamentalexplains Sandrine Rousseau, free movement between mainland France and France of overseas territories and Corsica, as if there were second-class citizens. It was not acceptable at all.”

>> Covid-19: the National Assembly approves a health bill emptied of its substance

The MEP also underlines the importance of the speeches of MEPs from overseas territories “to explain how the Covid crisis was incredibly mishandled in these territories and how relegated they had felt during this crisis. [Le rejet de l’article 2] is only the result of that, yes indeed it is a new way of doing democracy.”

Asked about the attacks of the government, taxing the deputies who voted mainly against this article of a form of irresponsibility, “I do not go into invectives of this level”, answers Sandrine Rousseau.

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