Artichokes and peas

The Saint-Thomas Table

Gérald Richard, the chef of La Table Saint-Thomas in Reims, makes contemporary French cuisine, based on fresh and seasonal products, rich in discoveries and with an authentic taste. Follow her news on Facebook and Instagram. To discover its original and irresistible recipes, listen to this program!

Cook the artichoke well, store it and taste it

The artichoke is eaten early in May, then during the months of June and July, it’s high season! Choose a heavy, firm artichoke with brittle leaves. If the top of the leaves is black, it means that it has been picked for a long time. Keep the raw artichoke fresh for a few days by immersing its stem in water like a bouquet. Avoid keeping it, even in a cool place, after cooking because the cooked artichoke oxidizes quickly.

What recipes and tips for peas?

Peas are eaten during the months of May, June and July. Pick it in a smooth, green, shiny pod. Avoid those with stains, a yellowish color, or soft. Store it for a maximum of 24 hours in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.

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