Arthur struck down by terrible news

Arthur probably did not expect such a failure. On December 11, 2020, the producer launched “District Z”, a new entertainment broadcast on TF1. In one night, celebrities are busy stealing as much money as possible from Professor Z. For this, they participate in several trials and must keep their life coveted by a hundred zombie creatures. If the launch of the first season had been a success with 5.3 million curious, the audience did not take long to crumble. For the final, the faithful were only 2.6 million in front of their television sets. A considerable fall which did not however slow down the chain to order a second season.

But after the broadcast of two shows of this second edition renamed “District Z Reloaded”, the results are already very bad. The launch was attended by only 1.8 million faithful. As for the second episode broadcast yesterday, Saturday, December 18, the entertainment had to be content with 1.5 million curious. A resounding failure which led Arthur to react on social networks. “It is 7:30 a.m. in this photo. After a completely crazy night we are about to shoot the last sequence of District Z. On this Sunday, I am thinking of the 300 people who have been working hard, happiness and enthusiasm on this adventure for 3 years. And who opened their eyes with a hell of a hangover“, he wrote.

But far from being defeated, the host of “Friday everything is allowed” continued with a resolutely optimistic message. “This morning more than ever I tell you: THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. Remember in our moments of doubt I often told you: Failure is success in progress, people who avoid failure also avoid success… ‘The most beautiful victory is not to never fail . But to get up after each failure. I’m up and going, who’s coming with me for the next big adventure? One thing is certain, when you have produced District Z, you can produce anything “, he concluded.

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