Arthur: Rare and tender photo with his son Sam for his 25th birthday

This photo did not fail to react to Internet users who savored this moment of complicity. “Happy birthday Mon Sam“, commented the humorist Cartman. On the side of the anonymous, we could read: “Touching”, “Beauty”, “The next generation”, or “Wonderful photo. Happy birthday to your son Sam. Full of happiness and only the best”.

Remember that Arthur is also the happy father of Aaron (12 years old, the fruit of his former love with the Danish model Caroline Nielsen) and Manava (7 years old, the fruit of his current relationship with Mareva Galanter). Children whose faces they do not wish to reveal on social networks in order to preserve them. Recently asked about his role as a father by AirZen Radiohe confided:When I come home, I make stupid jokes to my children, all the time. […] My passion is reading Carambar jokes to my 7-year-old daughter who looks at me like an alien, telling her bedtime stories that don’t make sense or end up in space. That’s my thing!

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