Arthur: Photos of his daughter Manava asleep on him, a hell of a disruptor!

The holidays continue quietly for Arthur and his family. Before returning to a new year on TF1, the host is recharging his batteries thanks to destinations, each more idyllic than the other. With his wife Mareva Galanter, and their daughter Manava (7 years old), he first as always flew to French Polynesia – where the former Miss France is from. The clan then took a brief break in the South of France where the couple was able to attend the Ramatuelle Festival and where their daughter celebrated her birthday. But in recent days, they have once again packed up, heading for Italy and more specifically Santa Maria Island, in the Sicily Channel.

And to discover this region, Arthur opted for the boat. Indeed, on Instagram, he revealed videos and photos of him driving the luxurious ship that carries them. And when he is not playing captain, the host spends precious moments with his daughter. He was also amused to see how comfortable he was for Manava, who can fall asleep on him very easily. “When I try to take a nap with my daughter. She sleeps while I fuck the stinky comforter“, he quipped under photos of him, Manava’s pink comforter in the face. As usual, the face of the child is hidden.

Mareva Galanter also documents their vacation and marvels at her daughter and the incredible landscapes emerging behind her. “little girl of the sun“, she wrote, for example, highlighting Manava during a sublime sunset.

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